18 July 2009

2 days!!!!

Hey guys!
So as most of you may know, I am going to Hawaii in like 2 days and........Ive said it a million times but I am excited. Today I packed for the trip, my huge suitcase is packed to the point of exploding, and I fit everything that I wanted to in it so, all is well that ends well. One more thing that I am happy about is getting a limo ride to the airport (we do it when the return home is a red eye). I have a really nice outfit picked out for the flight, a vintage Ralph Lauren white sundress and a sweater. Its really hard to picture, but I will send you a picture as soon as i can.

15 July 2009

Four Days!!!

Hey Guys!
It has come to my attention that I am leaving for Hawaii in four short days!!!!! I am sooooo super excited and I am bouncing of the walls!!!!! And I just checked the forecast and wow, the weather will be perfect.
The days will start of with rain or a gentle drizzle, and proceed to clear up and get to a sunny, comfy high of 84 degrees. The night will chill down to around 74. If that isnt perfect weather, what is?
On another note I had alot of fun today. To recap I will use bullets, because they are awesome!
  • Woke up
  • went into mom and dads room and slept in their bed
  • woke up again and made a hot choclate and put it in the fridge
  • watched a wedding in the today show (it was really pretty)
  • did my hair
  • walked downtown with grant and saw *drum roll please* a Lamborghini Mercilago :D!!(which for the record, is the second hottest car in the world. The first is the Audi r8)
  • Grant got a hair cut while I spent 45 minutes at sav-on looking at makeup
  • walked to the movies and saw the Proposal a second time, this time with Grant
  • Walked to the State Street Deli and got the best sandwich ever (chicken breast with provolone, pineapple, and Teraki sauce)
  • came home and passed out on the couch (tired)
  • made a frapichino by myself
  • watched tv
  • ate a salad
  • watched wipeout, and I survived a Japanese game show
  • and now, here I am

I <3>

P.S. I will have the pictures tomorrow

07 July 2009


Hey guys!
I just got back from summer circus and we got the requirments for the classes in September here are the ones i want to get into:
Intermediate Handbalancing


Duo Perch

And German Gym Wheel

It would be like 9 hours a week but I do have the requirements for all of the classes...

03 July 2009

Happy Fourth of July!

As some of you may know, today is not the fourth of July. But I will probably be in the pool getting roasted tomorow so this is my holiday post.
I <3 America. I am so excited for fireworks, barbeqs, and everything american. I love this country, and we are the best out of the rest (no offence other countries). Instead of writing why the USA is awesome, I should probably just put pretty firework pictures on my blog. Enjoy
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2008 Burlington Independence Day Fireworks

01 July 2009

Big Decision!!!!!!!

This year in computer we had alot of free time (this is a long story so just hold on). All of this free time on the internet got to be suprisingly boring (Carley, you know what I mean). I got to thinking about summer and my free time, and vacation. My summer all of a sudden sounded really buisy! The last three weeks before school I am at camp on vacation, so I had a new problem. How am I going to get stuff for school? With this delima, I decided to save time by looking at backpacks online, so we wouldnt have to stay an hour at sport chalet making the decision. I found a backpack that was WAY cool, just WAY over priced. It was the style of those superbreak backpacks from JanSport, which are around $30 each. This ever so extrodinary backpack was twice that, and the same size. But I couninued to worship it from afar, hoping Zappos would consider putting it on sale. But I really wanted it, so I googled the backpacks name and I almost died. Tillies had it for HALF PRICE!!!! i freaked. I emailed the link to dad claiming it would be the best backpack ever and now FedEx is shipping it to me!! I love my life!!!
O, and I hope Olive and Caroline had fun at the Grand Canyon!! :)